From small single-person operations to global multi-national corporations, IT security is the cornerstone on which the rest of a business can be built. It can be much easier said than done, however, to develop and manage a sufficiently secure and responsive IT system. Small businesses generally struggle the most with IT security. Even if a single-person operation has the necessary IT knowledge, it can be impossible to find the time to implement important updates, changes, and fixes while also juggling business growth. For any start-up or small business looking to maximise their IT security, these top tips should be followed closely. Get a vulnerability assessment It’s impossible to improve your IT system’s overall security if you’re not familiar with the specific points in your network that are potentially at risk. This assessment is something you can do yourself if you have the understanding. But, for most business owners it’s a much wiser investment to outsource the assessment to a specialist. If your IT system has been professionally built there should be minimal weak points – no system is without flaw, however! Understanding the specific areas in your own network that could be liable to attack is essential. If your business Read More