Penetration Testing London

Your London Cyber Security Experts

Hacking no longer concerns just big business. Over half of SMEs have identified breaches in the last 12 months, and Purple Lattice as a penetration testing London based company is meeting the demand for a service which identifies and thwarts online security threats.

Penetration testing services from Purple Lattice offer the twin benefits of unrivalled expertise and a commitment of an experienced team of UK Cyber Security Experts to the most comprehensive solutions available; helping to secure the online homes of organisations large and small.

Preventative beats reactive

At Purple Lattice, we believe in the power to prevent disruptions to your business due to cyber security threats. Only by fully understanding the threats and weaknesses which could lead to a security breach can reliable security be achieved. If you are serious about protecting your information systems and data, trust our penetration testing London services to provide security cover at all levels, thanks to the realistic attack scenarios which we are able to create and customise based on your requirements.

Affordable London Cyber Security Experts – how do we work?

We begin each project with a blank canvas, in order to provide a truly tailored approach which allows us to apply the most realistic testing for each client. The penetration testing london services which we provide are designed to understand how certain types of malicious attack can be detected, simulate a successful attack, and assess how effective the security measures and controls and the ability of an organisation to respond to an event.

We believe that the best penetration testing London services are comprehensive in their nature, and as such, a penetration testing London package from Purple Lattice covers a range of areas; from databases, infrastructure, network infrastructure to web and mobile applications that are key to your business.

What are the benefits of our penetration testing London services?

Our penetration testing London services make sense on a number of levels – from the security and efficiency of your IT infrastructure itself to the many business advantages which you can expect. With our penetration testing services in London, you can benefit from:

– GDPR Compliance

GDPR mandates that organisations protect personal data by design and by default and our service help you by understanding where the security gaps are and how to remediate them. It also provides you with the assurance that you security measures and controls are effective and fit for purpose.

– Risk management

By identifying and proving vulnerabilities in its specific environment, an organisation can bolster their defences in a considered and unrushed manner, and manage risks more effectively. Regular penetration testing checks or vulnerability assessment allows for a higher level of risk management than would be possible when making reactive updates to an environment, based on breaches which arise.

– A deeper understanding of your cyber security threats

Our penetration testing London services can provide a clear and in-depth understanding of a cyber security posture. After all, if you don’t know your organisation’s environment, how can you hope to negate hackers who have gained their own understanding? A series of tailored penetration tests conducted by Purple Lattice’s UK cyber security experts gives you the opportunity to truly appreciate what is going on in your workplace and identify exactly the type of cyber threats could be of most damage to your business.

– Exposes weak spots

Our penetration testing London services offers you the chance to expose cyber security weaknesses which you might not have been aware were there. This can include backdoors into your network which give hackers the opportunity to engage in a number of illicit activities. With vulnerability assessments alone, sometimes these kinds of threats cannot be properly identified.

– Minimise risk for stakeholders

Organisations have a responsibility to every person who you hold personal data for within your cyber environment; be it a customer, business contact or partner. In the wake of GDPR regulations, which took effect in the UK in May 2018, this responsibility has never been greater, and failure to meet GDPR requirements could land companies and individuals with significant fines. Our penetration testing London services allows you to minimise the risk of this information being compromised.

The right London Cyber Security Experts for your organisation

Our penetration testing london consultants are adept at simulating attacks which expose security weaknesses which put your infrastructure and data in jeopardy. There are several different areas which our penetration testing exercises typically focus on.

They include:

– Infrastructure

It is essential to assess your infrastructure on a regular basis so that every vulnerability is identified, attacks have been successfully simulated and flaws addressed. Our expert testers at our IT & Cyber Security consultancy in London will check that your infrastructure is ticking all the boxes in terms of integrity and confidentiality, with every element being as responsive as it should be. From your systems to your networks and network devices, we single out any real-world opportunities which hackers have to gain unauthorised access and in some cases take over your system completely. You can also rely on Purple Lattice’s cyber security experts to provide remediation guidance, once security flaws have been located and attacks have been successfully simulated.

– Applications

Our penetration testing London services can be vital in identifying security problems in web applications. Our cyber security experts  assess your server systems and server-side programs and locate spots where there are insecure development practices hidden in the coding and design of software, before successfully exploiting. We can also assess mobile applications and web service APIs, conducting comprehensive penetration testing. The applications you use can present opportunities to our London cyber security experts to exploit them, and penetration testing London services from Purple Lattice, which brings together a team with knowledge of secure software development, is the best way to go about ensuring that these opportunities are minimised.

– Social engineering

Social engineering is a problem which has been effective for many decades, with employees being targeted through phishing emails in the increase. Phishing emails are intended to encourage a click through which enables a backdoor to be created by hackers. It is a major threat to business environments and is capable of compromising both company and customer data. Our penetration testing London services can reveal just how vulnerable your organisation is to these kinds of phishing attacks, by successfully simulating them. Our cyber security london experts pinpoint weak spots and assess the extent of risk at every level, giving you a clear picture of whether your defences can stand up to social engineering attempts.

– Host-based reviews.

Our London cyber security experts assess your server, network and device infrastructure to identify the security weaknesses manually and highlight the standards to which your supporting infrastructure is adhering to and its maturity level.

Call us today to assess your need of penetration testing london services.

Let’s talk about your cyber security

At Purple Lattice, we pride ourselves on our knowledge of the cyber security landscape, which is allied with our research-driven approach and unmatched passion for the sector in which we operate.

Our penetration testing London service is proven to deliver long-term business benefits by providing the information which can allow you to safeguard your cyber environment. The processes which you undertake are vital to ensuring the security measures which you use are sufficient to stand up to today’s digital threats. Our cyber security London experts are able to understand the hacker mindset and use it to conduct testing which gives you priceless, real-world insights into how you can keep your organisation’s IT infrastructure as secure as possible in a cost effective manner. Trust Purple Lattice IT support to make the difference with our penetration testing London services.

Purple Lattice are proud to defend our customer’s environments. To talk through your cyber security requirements today, and to find out more about our penetration testing services, call us today on +44 (0) 333 939 8080.



For, most businesses, the big question is whether our penetration testing London services are necessary or not. A deeper understanding of what penetration testing entails and the vulnerability of your IT department should answer this question. As we have already mentioned, the danger of a cyber attack is no longer a problem reserved just for the big corporations. Every institution that manages data at any level is vulnerable. The consequences of data leakage are now more stringent with the recent introduction of the UK Data Protection Act UDPA, which means the security of your IT system must be taken seriously.

There are various proactive and reactive measures you can take to achieve a high level of cybersecurity. While we are open to offering reactive solutions, Purple Lattice advocates for proactive solutions. As the best cyber security experts London businesses have at their disposal, we know through experience that prevention can save you a lot of money, as well as protect your reputation. To help you understand cybersecurity in detail, here are some of the most important concepts about penetration protection.

What is an IT health check?

An IT health check (ITHC) refers to a security assessment requirement for government computer systems in the UK. An IT health check should be able to guarantee that the entire IT system is safe from external or internal threats. In most cases, an ITHC is performed by an external body such as Purple Lattice or an accredited National Cyber Security Centre NCSC official. An IT health check can also be performed on private business IT systems. It is essential for all businesses to have a thorough health check of their systems to eliminate any possible doubts about their proper functioning. A health check is a precautionary measure which helps prevent any possible losses in the future due to data breaches and hacks.

An IT health check mainly involves auditing the entire IT setup of an organisation by our cyber security london experts. The process is systematically executed to find any potential risks and vulnerabilities within the system. The process also includes strategies to rectify the vulnerabilities. An IT health check caters for more than just identifying the problem. This process ensures that all potential security threats are adequately dealt with, and IT best practices are enforced by all the IT departments. This is a guarantee of stability and ensures properly functioning IT systems in the long run.

What is external network penetration testing ?

For most companies, protecting their IT system against external hackers is a big battle. However, being prepared starts with identifying any loopholes that external hackers may use. During our external network penetration testing, the system is subjected to an environment that imitates the tools used by external hackers. The test devised by our cyber security london experts is aimed at checking the robustness of the system’s internal security to withstand attacks from external sources.

An external system attack may have various devastating effects on a company. Most external attackers target important credentials such as personal and financial data, among others. Such attackers target the available security systems such as the firewall, intrusion detection systems, and intrusion prevention systems. It is important to ensure that your IT departments are ready to fight any attacks from external networks. At Purple Lattice, our cyber security experts recommend external network attack testing is done as soon as possible. This attack test can help your organisation save up to billions of pounds in the event of an external attack.

What is internal network penetration testing?

IT systems do not only face threats from external sources, but also internal. Internal network penetration testing aims to exploit the weaknesses of the system to determine any threats. The tests try to exploit the ways an attacker can use to make the system data unreliable. Most attackers target the system confidentiality and overall integrity. These tests help the organisation in making decisions to seal such loopholes in the system. Without an internal network penetration test, it is impossible to know the vulnerability of the system. Our penetration testing London-based operations are aimed at ensuring that every organisation can have confidence in their own data.

What is a web application penetration test?

Most IT system attacks are web related. All web applications are vulnerable to external and internal attackers. Therefore, it is paramount for any company to put in place strategies to stop the possibility of such attacks.

A web application penetration test mainly mimics a threat to a web-based application in order to determine vulnerabilities within the application. The test may use a known or unknown threat to asses the security flaws within the application. A web application penetration test should be able to detect flaws within all the components of the application i.e. the back end, source code, and the database. A good example of a vulnerability test is the SQL injection test. In this test, an improvised threat is injected by our penetration testing london experts into the client’s web application in the form of SQL code to determine any vulnerability within the application.

What is a wireless penetration test?

While wireless connections offer the most flexible way to connect to the internet, they also pose serious security threats. We have expert cyber security consultants London wide who recognise the importance of protecting wireless networks against foreign attacks.

Our wireless penetration test london services evaluate the vulnerability of the IT system to be attacked via the wireless network. This test basically looks at weak encryptions algorithms and weak access points to determine any threats to the wireless network.

In a wireless penetration test, information about the wireless fingerprint is collected. Other factors of importance include wireless sniffing, encryption cracking, and session hijacks. This is an important test to minimise the threat of external attacks as well as internal ones.

What is a phishing penetration test?

Most organisations are vulnerable to phishing attacks, which take advantage of the naivety of employees. A phishing attack targets system users by sending messages to gain access to the organisation’s IT system.

A phishing penetration test engages end users to determine the susceptibility of the system. During the test, a phishing campaign message may be sent to all users or a selected group of users. The actions taken by the end users determine how vulnerable the system may be to attack.

A phishing penetration test plays an important role in ensuring that your business is safe from these kinds of attacks. This type of test may target a large number of people and may take more time compared to other tests. However, it is paramount since it awakens your employees to the threats present while helping your organisation determine any loopholes in your system’s security.

Choosing the best penetration testing London agency

The threat of system penetration is alive every single minute. The difference between being in control and losing all your important information may be closer than you think. Therefore it is important to use the services of the best penetration testing London agency.

Our Cyber security experts in London provide the most reliable ways to test your information security measures and ensure that your system is safe. As the best cyber security consultants London has, we are here to help you protect your data and attain the optimum security level for your business. Don’t waste any time, call us now to get the most effective penetration testing London services.

Why work with our cyber security London consultants?

At Purple Lattice, we understand the value and the need for affordable yet professional penetration testing london services. Preservation and integrity of data, whether online or offline is our primary focus in dynamic analysis. With advanced testing tools, our cyber security london consultants leave no stone unturned by exploring, reporting and resolving all possible vulnerabilities that unscrupulous individual might try to take advantage of.

Using the 7-phase penetration testing methodology

Using the 7-phase penetration testing methodology

As one of the leading cyber security experts in London, we conform to a standard penetration testing methodology that is tried and true in delivering results. At Purple Lattice, we take pride in offering the most reputable penetration testing London services, and we follow these seven stages to perform penetration testing.

Pre-engagement Interactions

Pre-engagements involve meetings and initial collaboration with the client before the actual testing commences. The client provides their own insight and expresses their expectations. Documentation and information provided by the client are reviewed to determine the best testing approach. At this stage, system authentication information is shared for white box testing. It is also important to have a written agreement, and consent between the client and our penetration testing London team.

During pre-engagement, the scope of penetration is determined as well as the goals. A line of communication with the client is established. Depending on the scope and client’s interests, we agree on the rules of engagement; this involves strategies of penetration and permitted areas of penetration testing, and allowable tools and assets.

Intelligence gathering

As your penetration testing company in London, we gather as much information as possible about the target organisation, especially its security details. Intelligence gathering is also referred to as Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and is conducted in three different ways.

Active information gathering

This is a data gathering process that the organisation may become aware of, as we actively utilise or clone various open sources and examine for vulnerabilities. This search involves scanning resources owned by the organisation. Here, our penetration testing London experts exercise social engineering in trying to collect confidential information from staff members.

Semi-active information gathering

Semi-active searches probe for information by mimicking regular web traffic and online transactions. This involves in-depth reverse lookups on published name servers, metadata, published documents and uploaded files.

Passive information gathering

In this search mode, we try to gather information while avoiding detection by the target organisation. The trick is to avoid using tools that conceal traffic. This includes identifying IPs, sub-domains, external third parties and hidden persons of interest.

Threat modelling

Threat modelling is the process of identifying, understanding and communicating potential vulnerabilities as well as formulating countermeasures to mitigate or prevent these weaknesses. This stage aims to determine where more effort needs to be directed to improve the system’s security through an attacker’s perspective by identifying valuable targets.

Network Vulnerability analysis

Also known as vulnerability scanning/ assessment, is a process used to identify and gauge the severity levels of vulnerabilities. Vulnerability analysis involves manual assessments and automated tests using penetration testing tools. Ultimately, a vulnerability assessment provides a clear picture of risks associated with the system’s security weaknesses. There are three main objectives of carrying out vulnerability analysis as part of our penetration testing service:

• Identify vulnerabilities emanating from critical design flaws and misconfigurations.
• Document findings.
• Provide guidance on how to remedy the vulnerabilities.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Static Application Security Testing (SAST) are two methods used to asses vulnerabilities; both use different approaches at different stages in the system’s lifecycle. A different method is a goal-oriented security test; the penetration tester simulates an attacker’s intent in trying to achieve an objective, like access a resource.


Exploitation solely focuses on attaining access to the system or resource by bypassing existing security measures or avoiding detection by said measures. Once threat modelling and vulnerability assessment phases are completed, information gathered should be adequate to carry out an active attack by exploiting the identified week points. Once the system is compromised, the pentester gains a footing to penetrate deeper to other sub-systems, third parties and resources. The pentester interacts with the system to see how much access a single entry point give an attacker, and the potential damage it can cause.

Common exploitation attacks include web-server attack and application layer attack. Depending on the amount of information gathered in earlier stages, the our penetration testing London consultant may have several different system layers to mount exploitation.

Post exploitation

The goal of this phase is to determine the value of the system after a compromise and its later usefulness. The penetration testing expert identifies sensitive data, configurations settings and communication channels that can be used to gain further access into the system. And whether an attacker can set up methods for regular undetected access. Provided that the agreed upon rules of engagement are followed, the tester has a responsibility to ensure that the penetration testing does not subject the system to any unnecessary risks after testing.

Reporting on the pentration test carried out

Reporting is the final phase in our penetration testing services. The report contains a detailed summary of the entire penetration testing process in a visually appealing, high-level of understanding presentation. The report is broken down into two primary section to better communicate the objectives, methods and the results of the test.

The executive summary

The executive summary entails the specific objective and goals of the penetration test, including high-level findings. The intended audience is those in charge of the organisation’s security program, and all those involved in strategising the test.

The technical report

The technical section of the report communicates in detail the scope, methodology, attack path, attack impact and depth, assets involved and remediation recommendations.

Owing to its effectiveness, internet security consultants in London including Purple Lattice, adopt this seven-phase method in penetration testing. Contact us for more information about penetration testing tools, and find out how we can secure your business using our solutions.

What is dynamic analysis?

Dynamic analysis is a technique used to analyse the properties of a computer programme by running it on a real or virtual processor using real-time data feed to observe its behaviour. Also known as a validation test. Dynamic testing happens whilst the programming code is operational and executed in a conventional environment during runtime. Dynamic analysis tools generate and feed appropriate data inputs into the system, the software’s output is then compared to the expected result. Further observations on system memory, response time, CPU engagements and other performance parameters are also analysed to crosscheck benchmark values during programme execution.

Dynamic analysis tools need to be adapted to run the target programme by generating input variables in the relevant value range and data type for the various input points; the goal is to mimic the expected natural use state data sets and mode of operation.

Dynamic analysis vs static analysis

Unlike dynamic analysis, static analysis check for flaws and defects on the target software without executing its code. In static testing, the raw code is examined either manually or using static testing tools to review its efficiency and accuracy. There is a need for involvement of the code’s author and a deep understanding of the programming language itself to review a software in this way.

Dynamic analysis shows real-time software functionality and interaction with both hardware and other software in a test case. Dynamic tests point out flaws on a high user level, which is the normal operating condition in most user scenarios. The static analysis only reviews the code and documentation to predict expected behaviour during runtime.

Types of dynamic tests

Unit testing – Testing of individual modules, usually in the early development stages or tests involving large multi-stage software.

Integration testing – This is interaction analysis between different modules involved in different functions.

System testing –Refers to testing the system as a whole.

Acceptance testing – This is testing carried out from the user’s perspective – actual user interactions and system feedback.

Functional and non-functional testing

Functional testing is a form of test done with the business or user requirements in mind. Based on the functional specifications, the software tests for compliance with expected functionality. Both manual testing skills and automated tools equally carry out requirements tests. During functional testing, test case scenarios are executed using standard data sets to simulate the behaviour in normal use. The results gauge against the stipulated development requirements.

Non-functional tests focus on the quality and performance of the software rather than the specified requirements. Non-functional tests analyse features of the software not attributed to any particular function such as security, performance, reliability, availability and scalability. Generally, these our penetration testing london tests show the software’s readiness for use and build quality.

Black box analysis

Black box analysis refers to a system analytic method where the analyst has no prior knowledge or deliberately ignores the inner working of the software in terms of architecture, design, algorithms and lines of code. The analyst only needs to know what the software is supposed to do but not necessarily how it does it. The sole focus of black box testing is the validation of the outputs produced by variable inputs.

This method of system analysis and testing is ideal when conducting acceptance and security testing, where the intended end user does not know the working beneath the UI.

Black box testing is the opposite of white box testing, where the tester analyses the internal working structure of software. The tester uses programming skills to engage specific data paths using input data at the code level to test for the expected output. White box tests can be performed in the early development stages of software in unit and integration testing. In most cases, software undergoes both white and black box testing in their life cycle.

Why you need dynamic analysis

Dynamic testing is a skill and time engaging process. Every single possible security loophole is analysed as a potential risk. From there, measures are taken to rid of the risks, and the whole process is repeated severally until the desired results are achieved. The cost of data loss and recovery from attacks is remarkable high; if at all, recovery is achievable. Reclaiming the trust of stockholders and clients after such an incidence is a long shot. With newly advanced analysis and testing tools, security and functionality testing have never been easier.

However, as hackers try new and ingenious tricks to access your valuable data, the means of halting their advances get more sophisticated.

Web application

A web application does not necessarily mean the popular mobile apps on smart devices, although they are examples of web applications. A web application is a client-server programme. The client side runs on web browsers for websites or pre-installed programs (apps). The server side is a combination of instructions and resources stored in what is usually a distributed system to cater to the client’s remote queries. The resources on the server side include valuable information and code that is kept under impenetrable security.

Web applications are an easy target for malicious attacks. Due to their often unlimited accessibility online, many web-based applications are exposed to potential cyber threats all across the globe. The main hackers’ interest in web applications is data theft and data manipulation. Web applications carry vast amounts of sensitive user information including full profiles, behavioural and financial data. Data security is crucial to the integrity and operations of a web service.

The majority of attacks target the application layer – the user interface and user-accessible features. Security vulnerabilities on this layer are identifiable during black box web application scan tests. The weak points are data entry points and interruptible feedback loops within the user interface. Data loss prevention should be the chief security concern for web applications and online businesses.

Web application scanning

Most web owners undervalue the importance of web application scanning. A majority of vulnerabilities in the application layer are easily detectable using a web application scanning tool. Analysts use DAST and SAST tools interchangeably to thoroughly analyse how well a web application holds up during an attack. A scan reveals security loopholes mendable through simple code fixing and update patches. Web applications need scanning with every addition of new features to ensure that new changes don’t comprise on security.

Web Security

Web security is paramount to the success of any online business. Securing an online business is a daunting task considering the sheer number of users with access to the internet. Despite being a challenge, airtight web applications are still possible. Before we look at ways to tighten web security, and why it is necessary, let’s first define web applications.

DAST testing

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) is an application security testing method using the black box approach. The idea in this type of security testing is to launch an external attack in the same way that a hacker would. This is called White Hat hacking. An external attack is one mounted on a high access level like the UI with no access to the back end of the system or the ability to peer into its internal structure.

DAST testing is a comprehensive penetration test that scans through several areal of potential vulnerability including server access, SQL database, authentication and user verification, data integrity, and system tolerance to sabotage attempts. Upon detection of vulnerability, the tester or testing tool provides a detailed report on the risky weaknesses as well as actionable recommendations. Remedies are applied and the process repeats until the white hack becomes impossible.

DAST testing tools are designed for both web-based applications as well as non-web applications. Its static counterpart SAST (Static Application Security Testing) testes for vulnerabilities at the programming code level on popular languages. Both security-testing methods often complement each other throughout the testing process in the system’s development life cycle.

Black box security testing

Black box tests are useful in testing for system’s capability to identify and discard invalid inputs, which is one of the biggest vulnerabilities with input-dependent systems. Malicious and invalid variables fed into the system test its resilience to potential attacks.

What is BYOD security?

The term BYOD is becoming increasingly common in the business world. It refers to “Bring Your Own Device”.

Some companies are happy for employees to use their own personal mobile phones and other devices for work. These are then connected to company systems, software and networks for the sharing of information.

Reasons for BOYD policies include saving money, for convenience or simply to provide staff with freedom of choice. It can also increase productivity, as staff can continue to work on their own devices outside the office.

The problems arise because BOYD can leave company systems vulnerable to viruses and other malicious software that staff inadvertently carry in to work.

And of course, important business data could fall into the wrong hands if the phone is lost or stolen.

There is also the potential to lose a degree of control over data management and visibility with BOYD. You could have data gaps or overlaps that arise from information stored and used on different devices and platforms.

BOYD security begins with having strict BOYD policies in your company. This would cover what devices are permitted, any security protocols that must be adhered to, and the level of access individuals can have to sensitive data.

It is also commercial common sense to carry out penetration testing for BOYD security, to gauge if privacy and security are being protected sufficiently.

Data loss prevention: what is it and why you should perform it?

If ever there was an occasion when complacency or neglect are out of the question, it’s in your data management systems and procedures.

Data is the lifeblood of any business. From your supplier contact details to your customer information, through to your financial information and order history.

Data loss prevention is made up of software and strategies that keep digital information secure throughout its entire lifecycle. Which means it monitors data, detects issues, and manages sensitive information; wherever your data is.

To practice effective data loss prevention, you should also set out clear limits for when your digital information is “in motion”. This will ensure that it only reaches authorised IT users.

Our penetration testing london services are an excellent way of assessing the capabilities and limits of your data loss prevention software and strategies.

There is more information on aspects of this crucial topic below.

What is a data breach?

A data breach is when sensitive or critical information falls into the hands of a third party. Usually someone with malicious intent.

How sure are you, that your data security is up to date and impenetrable? The sad fact is that many companies only become aware of problems with their data protection systems when it’s too late. Cyber criminals find and exploit vulnerabilities that the organisation was blissfully unaware of. Particularly as hackers invest heavily in staying one step ahead of the latest systems and firewalls.

Do you keep on top of software updates? Do you check firewalls regularly and maintain your website to avoid fraudulent activity? Are you armed and ready to face the next wave of malware (malicious software) or ransomware (attempt to demand money via IT)?

This is all part of your data loss prevention and avoids it “leaking” into the wrong hands.

Data security is a business imperative

If you go after a new contract, are you aware that some companies now demand to see security compliance certification? Your biggest customers may increasingly insist that you demonstrate that you take data loss prevention very seriously. Particularly as cyber crime is not the only risk London companies face.

The media provides ample evidence that even large organisations with deep pockets suffer from data loss due to human error and oversights. Also, disgruntled former employees can cause immeasurable damage with one keystroke.

With so many devices, systems and procedures to orchestrate, data security is a complex topic. Many companies find it a challenge to map out their IT accurately, let alone uncover vulnerabilities!

This is why you should approach cyber security experts London businesses can use to thoroughly test their data protection. Enquire today about our affordable yet highly professional penetration testing London services.

The cost of not using cyber security experts

Investing in the insights and support of the cyber security experts at Purple Lattice makes sound commercial sense. Not least when you look at what you stand to lose.

Companies now face hefty fines for data breaches as a result of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The GDPR put data management under even closer scrutiny, making it an issue that is impossible to ignore.

However, the cost of not engaging in data leak protection and prevention goes even deeper than legislative censor.

In the cutting-edge world of modern business, your most important commodity is your reputation; which affects how much your customers trust you with their financial details

A data breach could seriously undermine customer faith in your organisation. It’s the sort of blow that can reduce your profits substantially in the long term. Reputations can’t be rebuilt overnight!

The potential damage could be considerable, even if you can find a defence for your data breach. How many customers do you stand to lose if data loss or interruption puts you “offline”? Would sales and loyalty be lost if your website crashed due to a cyber-attack?

All of this makes it imperative to take action now, using penetration testing London consultants firms can rely on. The best way to be sure that your company has the best data leak protection, is to put it to the test.

Purple Lattice are cyber security consultants London firms can use to thoroughly interrogate their systems.

Data loss protection reports

As outlined about, our London cyber security experts can test your whole IT network and collateral such as websites, to find any potential weakness. This includes problematic data entry points, issues with configuration and business logic security risks. Every form of data vulnerability will be covered.

Using the information provided, you can then take firm steps to improve your data loss protection.

The best starting point of developing a robust data security strategy, is knowing where the most urgent risks are. As well as your specific vulnerabilities as a business.

At the very least, you will have the assurance that your data security is up to date, and strong enough to keep your business trading when cyber criminals attack.

Our LOndon cyber security experts can test your data management systems with the minimum disruption to your working week, but with a level of penetration that you would expect from cyber security specialists London companies return to regularly.

Of course, we are happy to provide a one-off service to thoroughly test your data security. However, many of our loyal customers appreciate the value of regular penetration testing london services, so keep their data loss protection “up to the minute”.

Where can you find the best penetration testing London experts and beyond?

Contact us at Purple Lattice, to discuss your data security and breach prevention and protection; to keep you trading strongly.

Mobile security - what is it and why you should perform it?

Mobile phones are vital. However, they can also be an easy weapon for cyber criminals to use, especially if your mobile is used to conduct business and store sensitive information.

Even if you feel you encrypt your mobile phone data securely – cleaning and backing it up regularly – it’s a piece of IT that can leave your business vulnerable.

This is not just in terms of your phone getting stolen or lost. Cyber criminals are adept and sophisticated in finding ways to hack in to mobile technology.

This could mean serious data breaches, putting your company at risk from heavy legislative fines, a loss of reputation and substantial business interruption. Your customers could also lose faith in your business if data loss prevention doesn’t extend to your mobile devices!

Mobile security is also about guarding your device against attacks that change functions on your phone, including creating fraudulent transactions.

Some of the other questions below deal with the mobile phone data and functioning risks that businesses face every day.

You must take mobile security seriously. This is tackled by our regular penetration testing London services, to assess your phone’s ability to withstand these commonplace threats.

What is mobile code security?

This term refers to the computer codes embedded in phones – and their apps – to make them work. Attacks on your mobile code could change its functionality, or make it vulnerable to data breaches.

By changing your mobile code, hackers could potentially instruct your phone to carry out various tasks, including making unauthorised calls and payments. Sensitive data can be extracted and used, including mapping keystrokes and finding passwords.

Steps to protect your mobile code security include penetration testing, which ensures you have the latest firewalls and other preventive strategies in place.

What is Android security?

There are several steps you can take as a mobile user to make your Android device more secure.

This includes being careful about connecting your device to public Wi-Fi networks. This is one of the most common ways cyber criminals gain access to data on Android phones.

They can use this – and other entry points – to redirect data or interrogate your browsing history. They can even steal your keystrokes, mapping out their use to work out your security passwords.

That’s in addition to the potential security risk of hackers penetrating your Android device to listen to your calls and read your texts.

One of the other Android security strategies you need to use is outlined below under malicious apps.

You also need to be vigilant against SMS trojans that can impact on your Android security. These are text messages which infect your phone if you click on links or respond.

Trojan apps and SMS messages can create serious Android security problems. This includes running up your phone bill, but also tricking your phone into sending a message to all your contacts to spread a virus.

To help protect your Android security, you must use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption for your data. This renders the information useless if a cyber criminal does manage to strip data from your Android device.

It is also important to use penetration testing, to make sure your Android security is working effectively.

What is Android hacking?

There’s a popular myth that potential viruses and other cyber crime can be prevented simply by being careful about what website you visit, or what software you download. Both of those are clearly important.

However, cyber criminals use complex and ever evolving methods to steal data from mobile devices or interfere with their proper functioning. This includes using various forms of remote Android hacking.

The Android system is based on what is referred to as an “Open Source” platform. This means it uses a program with a source code that is readily available. It can be accessed for many different purposes by developers the world over.

However, this Open Source platform makes it possible for cyber criminals to create apps of a malicious nature, to engage in Android hacking. These apps could be configured to strip personal information from your phone or to engage in fraudulent financial transactions.

It is vital to take robust steps to protect your device from Android hackers.

What is iOS security?

The iOS system was designed to make Apple electronic devices secure.

As it is configured specifically for this product range, it could be considered less vulnerable to cyber crime than Android, which is an open source platform (see above).

Every iPhone, iPad and other Apple product is based on the same security-focused software, hardware, and services.

That’s not to say that Apple devices are not also subject to malicious software (malware) attacks though. Successful iOS security breaches do have the potential to be shared among immeasurable numbers of devices.

This means that it is important to understand and adhere to iOS security measures, including caution with downloading software and clicking on links. You should also avoid using public Wi-Fi when accessing sensitive data such as bank accounts and passwords.

What are Malicious Mobile Applications and how can I protect my device?

The chances are you use popular applications (apps) to change the functioning of your mobile device. These “surface” changes include increasing battery life, adding bespoke screen savers or adding location automation, for example.

It’s also possible for apps to make deep-system changes to your phone. In some cases, these will be ways to improve its functionality.

However, there are malicious mobile applications around that make surface or deep-system changes for criminal purposes.

You must be cautious which third party apps you install, as a number of malicious apps that threaten mobile security are innocently downloaded from third party app stores.

Penetration testing can be used to highlight apps that have the potential to impact on data management or phone security in general.

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